Sunday, 20 November 2011

A rich Portuguese man chose his heirs at random from a phone book!

He never had any children, so he had no one to leave his fortune to. So instead, he opened up a phone book and picked 70 random people from the listing and left them everything. When he was drawing up his will, the witnesses tried to figure out if he had just gone crazy. However, one of his close friends says that he was probably getting a kick out of the confusion he was causing.
When the beneficiaries got the letter, at first the thought it was a scam. After all, a stranger doesn't divvy up a 12-room apartment in the centre of Lisbon, a house near the historic northern town of Guimaraes, a car and nearly 25,000 euros (32,000 US dollars) between 70 random people every day. 
Do you have a fortune you need to split among random people? Here's a couple of suggestions: have your cat type random phone numbers and text them. If that's too random, just poke a ton of strangers on Facebook and pick the ones that poke you back!

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